Roles associated with User Experience Designer

Prerna Prasad
2 min readMay 9, 2021


By Freepik

“ Design in not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”-Steve Jobs.

We come across a lot of UI/UX job titles while searching for a job or an internship, these terms are new and a bit confusing(it was for me) if you are new to this industry. There is a handful of different careers within the field of user experience.

These are :

1. Interaction Designer: They focus on designing the experience of a product and how it functions, Interaction designers focus on the transaction of a button, how will the popup message come, etc.

2. UX Researcher: They conduct studies or interviews that examine how people use a product. They identify the pain points that users are experiencing and explore how products can help solve those problems. UX Researcher focuses on the problems the user is facing, product usability, etc

3. UX Writer: UX Writer focuses on the language within a product so that the user experience is more intuitive. They decide the labels for buttons.

4. UX Program Manager: As the name suggests UX Program manager manages the program from start to finish and ensures timely communication within different groups.

5. Visual Designer: Visual Designer focuses on the overall look of the product. They design logos, illustrations, icons, etc.

6. Motion Designer: Motion designer focuses on the feel of the product, how the user moves from one page to another, and creates smooth transactions.

7. Conversation Designer: Conversation design incorporates natural, real-world conversational behaviors into the interactions between users and these systems. Eg: Alexa, Siri, Cortana

8. UX Engineer: UX Engineer makes the design functioning and ready to use. They bring a product concept to life.

As an entry-level UX Designer, you will come across all the above-mentioned roles apart from UX Engineer as they mainly focus on the coding part.



Prerna Prasad

Designer, learner, information geek. I love to write, design and fantasize…